Display syntax help for the specified command. You can use the ? symbol instead of the string help as an alternative way of displaying the help.
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admin, pseoperator, audit
help <command>
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Display syntax help for the specified command. You can use the ? symbol instead of the string help as an alternative way of displaying the help.
admin, pseoperator, audit
help <command>
psesh:>help help
Syntax: help [<command>]
Type "help" or "?" (without the double quotation marks) to see help and syntax information for any PSE Shell command.
"help" or "?" with no arguments lists the top level commands with brief descriptions.
"help" or "?" followed by one or more arguments (command names, sub-commands, options) yields increasingly detailed information.
For example:
The command "? hsm" returns general information on the "hsm" commands.
The command "help hsm state" returns information on the "hsm state" subcommands.
The '-force' option, on any command that supports that option, causes the command to proceed silently, without prompting you for input - this is useful for scripting.
Command Result : 0 (Success)
psesh:> ? hsm
Syntax: hsm
The following subcommands are available:
Name (short) Description
state st Shows HSM State
reset r Reset HSM
show sh Show Characteristics of the HSM
Command Result : 0 (Success)
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